Thursday, November 1, 2007


Like most things in my life, this blog also is the result of an impulsive reaction to something totally not-related or relevant. I'm not going to go on about my musings or my heartbreak or anything remotely cynical. As is customary one is supposed to write a first post. So here it is. Presuming that i'm not going to lose interest in this blog for a while, i hope to write something about things that make sense to me, which is movies, food, music, books and politics. Now that i've said what i hope is going to happen, the complete opposite will happen and i'm going to write about the random thought most prominent in the clutter of my mind on the given day.
About the title 'high on..', it signifies the various things that we choose to get high on, it may be drugs or sex or love or music or travel, but eventually it is life itself.

See ya.


Sanyam said...

I jst. want to say u have a really different ideology or way of thinking than other ppl, nd dat's really inspiring,because everything u say or write shows that u take life as it keep it up..

nit said...

oh hi , sadu , bas bye